African culture can still be found in Puerto Rico today because the population of blacks is one of the largest populations on the island. For example “ Loíza is Puerto Rico’s center for African-inspired traditions and it retains one of the largest Black populations on the island; more than 60 percent of its 30,000 residents identify as Black.
‘This town is very dynamic in its expressions of its Black roots’” Stated by Black Voice News. This evidence shows how even after slavery, blacks still remained on the island and reproduced dramatically. African culture in Puerto Rico is so sunken into the island people there don't see themselves as black and white like in the U.S but just as Puerto Ricans. For example “ The principle is we’re Black, and people here are very clear that they are African descendants,” Lind said. “In the United States, you see Black and White more clearly, but not here” and “Many residents in the town express pride in their African origins as well as their Puerto Rican roots.“Afro-Puerto Ricans have to look at themselves through the context of being Puerto Rican, because we are not straight up African” stated by Lind. Both of these pieces of evidence shows how people are the same in a way n Puerto Rico but the culture of Africans is still there but it's just not seen. (Hopkins,blackvoicenews)