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The Transatlantic Slave Trade
Slavery in Puerto Rico was very corrupted. The reason why it was corrupted was because blacks were stripped of their culture and forced to learn the "Puerto Rican way" to live. It was kind of like being brainwashed. For example "Slaves were forced to abandon their customs and adapt to Catholicism; they were also branded with hot coal on their foreheads to prevent theft or escape. They inherited the last names of their masters." said by FARIDA DAWKINS. This evidence shows how slaves had to settle into new land and on top of that they were slowly loosing a part of them that made them unique. This continued until March 22, 1873. By this time slavery was outlawed and slaves were allowed to buy their freedom by a price their captors set. Many slaves continued to work with their owners but now earning wages. (Dawkins, face2faceafrica)
(Slaves in Puerto Rico)

(Slaves being forced into boats)

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